

Sillicon Detector,Neutron Detector,Wire Chambers,Ionisation chambers,MCCD,PET用回&MCA 
MPR-1 single channel charge sensitive Preamplifier with 2 outputs
• Ni-plated, fully shielded case
• ESD input protection
• Positive and negative input charge
• Pulser input
• Bias voltage up to ± 3000 V
• Two outputs (selectable polarity, one can be configured as timing filter output)
• Strong output driver for 50 Ω (optional
93 Ω) termination
• Fast risetime (t < 12 ns)
• Two sensitivities (switch selectable)
• Low power
MSI-8 8 channel preamplifier+ shaper + timing filter amplifier
• 8 channel compact standaone module
• Preamplifier and shaper modules individually selectable
• Shaper with baseline restorer
• Two shaping times, jumper selectable
• Integrated timing filter amplifier

MPRS-16 16 - fold preamplifier +shaper with timing filterand discriminator
• 16 channel compact module
• Includes: preamplifier, shaper, timing filter
• High quality discriminator output (NIM)
for good timing resolution or data acquisition
start, adjustable threshold.
• Sensitivity and polarity selectable with
rotary switch in steps: 3.3, 5, 6.7, 10,
17, 25, 33, 50 MeV full range
• Shaper output 10V @ 1kΩ, 1us FWHM
• Pulser input
• Bias voltage up to ± 400V
• Preamplifier input protection
• PCB module available for vacuum use
MPR-16,-32,-64 16 / 32 / 64 - fold charge sensitive preamplifier
• 16 channel compact module
• Very low power dissipation (4V type)
• Sensitivity switch, factor 5
• ESD input protection
• Lemo output, can drive terminated BNC lines
• Pulser input
• Bias voltage up to ± 400V
• PCB module available for vacuum use
MPR-16-L 16 fold charge sensitive preamplifier (Lemo outputs)
• 16 channel compact module
• Very low power dissipation (4V type)
• Sensitivity switch, factor 5
• ESD input protection
• Lemo output, can drive terminated BNC
• Pulser input
• Bias voltage up to ± 400V
• PCB module available for vacuum use
MPR-16/32/64-LOG 16 / 32 / 64 - fold lin/log charge preamplifier
• 16 / 32 / 64 channel compact module
• Sensitivity switch, 2.5 / 10 MeV linear
• Recovers within 15 us from 3 GeV signals
• ESD input protection
• Differential output 100 Ω or
• MPR16L with Lemo output connectors.
• Pulser input
• Bias voltage up to ± 400 V
• PCB module available for in vacuum use
MRS-2000 single channel preamplifier, shaper,window discriminator
• Wide range of input sensitivity
• Square shaper amplifier with baseline restorer
• Window discriminator
• Gain and threshold adjustable
• Both outputs can be termi-nated with 50 Ω
• 3 standard types for different tubes and monitors
• SHV (on request: BNC, MHV) connectors

Type ‘1’: (fast counting)
(t < 0.8μs), max countrate: 150kHz
for fast counting devices, monitors.
Type ‘2’: (standard)
(t < 2.5μs), max countrate: 50kHz
e.g. for standard 1’’ 3He tubes.
Type ‘5’: (highest gamma suppression)
for detectors with slow signal risetime
(t < 7μs), max countrate: 20kHz
e.g. for 2’’ 3He tubes.
MCCD Large Area CCD for particle detection with readout
electronics and software
• 14 bit digitization
• Data interfaces: USB2.0 and
100Mbit Ethernet
• 50 x 50 mm2 active CCD area
• 48 x 48 um pixel size
• 1M pixels
• Vacuum feedthrough and cables
are included
• Software for visualization and
particle detection (for ethernet
connection only)
• gain 1 and gain 10 remote
switchable to extend range
STM-16+ 16 fold Spectroscopy Amplifier with Discriminators and
Multiplicity Trigger
    • 16 channel NIM module, low power design
• Shaper amplifiers with baseline restorer
• Timing filter amplifiers
• Leading edge discriminators
• Digital delay of 450 ns for timing stop
• ECL timing output
• Trigger output
• Multiplicity trigger
• Option: Remote control of discriminator thresholds and gains

2 shaping times: 0.4μs / 1μs or 2μs / 5μs
(= 1us/ 2us or 5us / 12us FWHM)
• Gain adjustable from 1 to 600
• Unipolar Lemo input option.
• Low noise: < 7μV (gain=100 and shaping time = 2μs)
• Low integral nonlinearity
MSCF-16F 16 fold Spectroscopy Amplifier with CFDs and Multiplicity Trigger
    ・ 16 channel NIM module, low power design
・ Shaping amplifiers with active baseline restorer
・ Timing filter amplifiers
・ CF discriminators (opt.: leading edge)
・ ECL timing output with digital delay of 450 ns
・ Trigger output (NIM)
・ Multiplicity trigger (NIM)
・ Remote control of discriminator thresholds,
haping time, gains, PZ, BLR-threshold
・ 4 shaping times
・ Gain adjustable from 1 to 600 (otional 2000)
・ Differential or unipolar (Lemo) input versions.
・ Low noise: < 7 μV (gain=100 and shaping time = 2 μs)
・ Low integral nonlinearity
・ Fully controllable via front panel
・ Remote control via USB and mesytec control bus
MPR-16-LN 16 fold Spectroscopy Amplifier with CFDs and Multiplicity Trigger
    ・ 16 channel NIM module, low power design
・ Shaping amplifiers with active baseline restorer
・ Timing filter amplifiers
・ CF discriminators (opt.: leading edge)
・ ECL timing output with digital delay of 800 ns
・ Trigger output
・ Multiplicity trigger
・ Remote control of discriminator thresholds,shaping time, gains and PZ
・ 4 shaping times
・ Gain adjustable from 1 to 600 (otional 2000)
・ Lemo -00 inputs.
・ Low noise: 4 μVrms (gain=100 and shaping time = 8 μs)
・ Low integral nonlinearity
・ Fully controllable via front panel
・ Remote control via USB and mesytec control bus
MPR-16-PMT 16 fold Spectroscopy Amplifier with CFDs and Multiplicity Trigger
    ・ 16 channel NIM module, low power design
・ directly interfaces to anode signals from photo multipliers
・ Shaping amplifiers with active baseline restorer
・ Timing filter amplifiers
・ CF discriminators (opt.: leading edge)
・ ECL timing output with digital delay of 400 ns
・ Trigger output
・ Multiplicity trigger
・ Remote control of discriminator thresholds,shaping time, gains and PZ
・ 4 shaping times
・ Gain adjustable from 100pC to 20nC for max range
・ 50Ohm terminated Lemo 00 input.
・ Low noise (0.2pC rms / 2pC rms)
・ Mostly controllable via front panel
・ Remote control via USB and mesytec control bus
MDS-8 8 Channel SpectroscopyAmplifier with Timing Filter Outputs
    • Eight differential Lemo inputs, can be used single ended.
• Input resistance 50 Ohm (= 100 Ohm differential).
• 3 shaping times: 0.4, 1 , 2.5 us or 8, 20, 50us FWHM
• Passive baseline restorer
• Adjustable gain and PZ compensation at front panel
• Individual outputs:
o +10 V shaped pulse
o -2 V timing filter output
• Common outputs:
o sum of shaping outputs
o sum of timing filter outputs
MUX-16/32 16 - fold preamplifier +shaper with timing filter and discriminators,multiplexed output
    • High rate: up to 800 kHz rate capability per bus(1.2 us bus dead time per event).
• Very good timing resolution: 1 fast leadingedge discriminators per channel. Ored NIM timingoutput, reject output
• Low noise preamplifiers and 5th order shaping amplifier allow very good energy resolution.
• Very flexible: sensitivity (and polarity) selectable with rotary switch (or RC) in 8 steps
• Low power: 1.45W for 16 channels
• Compact: 185 x 100 x 16 mm3
• In addition: fully remote controlable for use in vacuum.
• Includes 16 channels of bias filter (and AC coupling) for bias voltages up to ± 400 V
• Processes single and double hits on one 16 channel unit.
• Up to 8 modules = 128 channels on one bus, only 2 or 4 peak sensing ADC channels needed.
• Pulser input
• Preamplifier input protection
• Option: individual dicriminator thresholds for all channels
• Reject: signal output if more than 2 hits or if module collision on the bus
MTM-16 Multiplexed high quality readout for large numbers
of channels for charged particle detectors.
    It includes charge sensitive preamplifiers, variable gain and polarity stage, a timing branch with filter amplifier
and discriminators, and a slow branch with spectroscopy amplifiers followed by a track & hold stage.
The amplitude values can be read out sequentially or in a zero suppression mode.
Up to 16 MTM16 (= 256 channels) can be connected to one readout bus, allowing to reduce cabling and
hardware costs. All parameters can be set and controlled via integrated slow bus, allowing easy operation of
the units in vacuum or enclosed environments.
MDI-2 Fast VME digtizer. Serves up to 512 channels of MTM16 frontends.
    • High quality 12 bit (4k) conversion with sliding
scale ADC (DNL < 1%).
• 10 M samples / s per bus.
• Up to 512 channels can be converted
• Multi event buffer
• Zero supression with individual thresholds
• Supports different types of time stamping
• Connected frontend modules can be remote controled
(gain, threshold, polarity).
• Address modes: A24 / A32
• Data transfer modes: D16,32,64, BLT32, MBLT64,
• Multicast for event reset and timestamping start.
MADC-32 fast 32 channel VME peak sensing ADC
    ・ High quality 11 to 13 bit (2, 4, 8 k) conversion
with sliding scale ADC
(DNL < 1% @ 4k).
・ 800 ns, 1.6us, 6.4us conversion time for 32
channels wit 2k, 4k, 8k resolution.
・ 1 k words multi event buffer
・ Zero supression with individual thresholds
・ Supports different types of time stamping
・ Independent bank operation
・ Two register adjustable gate generators are
built in
・ Input range, register selectable 4V, 8V,10V
・ Mesytec control bus to control external mesytec
・ Address modes: A24 / A32
・ Data transfer modes: D16 (registers), D32,
・ Multicast for event reset and timestamping
MSI-40 40 channel Si-Strip detector readout system.
Timing, amplitude and position output
    • 40 high range preamplifiers (20MeV to 2GeV)
• Two output signals for position calculation
• Sum output for total charge and timing
• All outputs can be terminated with 50 Ω
MPD-4 4 channel particle discriminator module for liquid scintillators
    ・ Fast variable gain PMT input amplifier
・ Signal filter, optimised for liquid scintillators
・ Pulse shape detection unit based on a CFD for
rising edge start and zero crossing detector
(CFD) for tail length detection
・ adjustable CFD threshold.
・ TAC output for neutron detection, amplitude
independent (1 us peaking time)
・ Amplitude output (1us peaking time, matched
to TAC pulse)
・ Trigger output (n +  signals)
・ Trigger output selectable n or  (can be used
as ADC gate)
・ Variable threshold for neutron - identification.
・ Common trigger output, NIM, chainable (also
usable as ADC gate).
・ Fast mode: deadtime reduced to 250 ns. Trigger
output width reduced to 30ns.
・ Rear side: 2 header connectors with 2x4 triggers,
4 x n- discriminator signals, 4 x gammadiscriminator-
signals, ECL
・ 4 x energy, 4 x TAC output, 4/8 V switchable
・ All parameters can be set via front panel, USB
or mesytec control bus.
MPD-8 8 channel particle discriminator module
for liquid scintillators
    ・ Fast variable gain PMT input amplifier
・ Signal filter, optimised for liquid scintillators
・ Pulse shape detection unit based on a CFD for
rising edge start and zero crossing detector
(CFD) for tail length detection
・ adjustable CFD threshold.
・ TAC output for neutron detection, amplitude
independent (1 us peaking time)
・ Amplitude output (1us peaking time, matched
to TAC pulse)
・ Trigger output (n +  signals)
・ Trigger output selectable n or  (can be used
as ADC gate)
・ Variable threshold for neutron - identification.
・ Common trigger output, NIM, chainable (also
usable as ADC gate).
・ Fast mode: deadtime reduced to 250 ns. Trigger
output width reduced to 30ns.
・ Rear side: 2 header connectors with 2x4 triggers,
4 x n- discriminator signals, 4 x gammadiscriminator-
signals, ECL
・ 4 x energy, 4 x TAC output, 4/8 V switchable
・ All parameters can be set via front panel, USB
or mesytec control bus.
MHV-4 4 channel, 400 V detector bias supply
        · 4 large and bright LED displays allow simultaneous
survey of all currents or voltages
· Full 4 digit display
· Output connectors: SHV or BNC
· Current display resolution 1 nA
· Adjustable current warning threshold for each
channel. Acoustical and optical current warning.
· Individual polarity select for each channel at the
rear panel.
· Remote control: by external voltage and RS-232
serial interface or via mesytec event bus (using
an MRC-1 / MRCC master module).
· Noise on high voltage < 1 mV at 200 V
· Only ± 6 V power supply needed
MRC-1 / MRCC Remote Controller
         · Easy connection to any computer type via RS-232 or USB
· Script memory for standalone operation
· Up to 32 devices on two event bus branches
· Up to 35m of bus length
Optional: I/O module for MRC-1 with:
2 digital outputs (TTL), 2 digital inputs (TTL),
2 12 bit ADC inputs, 2 12 bit DAC outputs
MDC-8 8 channel differential to single converter
         • Eight differential Lemo inputs
• Eight dual amplitude Lemo Outputs
Output "x 1" = (in+) - (in-)
Output "x 0.2" = 0.2 x ((in+) - (in-))
Cables Cabling Collection for Silicon Detectors
MPET PET readout module
         • Readout of 8 twodimensional position sensitive photo multiplier tubes (H8500..)
• High rate capabilty (100kHz per PMT)
• typ 1.5% FWHM position resolution
• Good position and amplitude linearity
• Constant fraction discriminators for time sig-nals
• 1.4ns FWHM coincidence timing for LSO or LYSO crystals.
• Remote gain and threshold adjust
• Easy interfacing to different PMTs.
MCA-2 Dual Channel Filter Amplifierand MCA +
Preamps with HV Generation
         • Compact dual channel MCA module (MCA-2)
• Compact external preamps withbuilt in HV source (MCA-PH)
• Sensitivities, thresholds and HV and other parameters are remote controllable.
• Real time clock
• 1Mbit non volatile histogram memory
• 10 bit spectroscopy ADC
• Data interfaces: RS232 and USB
• Additional 8 I/O ports and 4 ADC inputs for process control.
• Online ROI calculation
MAC-2 Dual Channel Preamplifiers, Shapers, Discrimionators and Anti Coincidence Unit
         • Compact dual channel module
• TTL or 24V outputs for both channels and anticoincidence.
• thresholds can be adjusted at the front panel.
• Maximum bias voltage 3000V

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