High-Resolution Test Object for Neutron Radiography
Resolution test object consisting of a 30 mm x 30 mm quartz wafer with a patterned layer of gadolinium. The gadolinium thickness is on the order of 5 micrometers in the patterned regions. The patterns will be etched into the gadolinium layer, meaning that the surrounding parts of the sample will be non-transparent. The test pattern ins mounted in a aluminium hoder. The patterns comprise a Siemens-star pattern with the folloing specifications:
- diameter: 20 mm, 128 spokes
- inner period: 10 micrometers ;spoke size 5micrometers
- outer period: 500 micrometers
- radial markers at 50, 100, 200, 300 400, and 500 micrometer period.
The test object will be deliverd in a dedicated storage box.